^19 - The Fader Port

This port is a read only value of the state of faders.


LDA ^19,x
Where x is the fader number you wish to get the state of.
^19,0 will give the state of fader 1.
^19,21 will give the state of fader 22.
0x00 = Fader at minimum
0xFF = Fader at maximum

This only exists on UPAN9 fader panels. It doesn’t work for virtual faders on PDTS.


This uses Fader 10 to control fade rate of M1 Preset message

M1:     Dynet(0x1c,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff)
Name=”Fader to fade rate"
COPY M1,~0,7  // Copy the values in M1 to ~0 to ~6
LDA ^19,9     // Capture the value for Fader 10 into the Accumulator
STA ~2        // Store the value from the fader to ~2 (Low fade byte)
TX ~0,1,7     // Transmit the M1 message with modified Fade byte