Proximity Sensor

The proximity sensor detects an approaching user. When the user is detected, the device can wake up its indicator LEDs (all devices) and/or produce a lightwash halo effect (Antumbra only) that invites the user to interact with the device.


Property Description


Enable/Disable the proximity sensor.


When no proximity is detected for this period, perform the Target not detected actions.
Maximum = 18h:12m:14s
Default/minimum = 5 seconds

Max proximity time

If proximity is constantly detected, after this time period elapses the Target not detected actions will be executed regardless.
Default/maximum = 45 minutes
Minimum = 60 seconds

Proximity sensitivity

High/Mid/Low/Default applies a time filter to stop transient electrostatic noise triggering the proximity sensor. High setting (Default) filters the shorter duration noise and Low setting filters longer duration noise.

Logical Address

Property Description

Logical Area

Logical Area where the device is located.


The channel to which the device is assigned.


Static join of the device.


Disabled, or the base link area where the device is located.

Lightwash (Antumbra Only)

Property Description


Enable/Disable lightwash.

Lightwash brightness level (%)

Brightness level of the lightwash

Lightwash Logical Area

Logical Area where the device is located.

Lightwash Logical channel

The logical channel to which the device is assigned.

Lightwash Join

Static join of the device.

Lightwash BLA

Disabled or the base link area where the keypad is located.

Enable/Disable Display Backlight (AntumbraDisplay only)

Property Description

Display Backlight


Display Backlight (AntumbraDisplay only)

Property Description

Display backlight brightness level

Brightness level of the Display Backlight

Display backlight proxy channel index

System setting, ignore.

Display backlight Logical Area

Logical Area where the device is located.

Display backlight logical Channel

The logical channel to which the device is assigned.

Display backlight Join

Static join of the device.

Display backlight BLA

Disabled, or the base link area where the device is located.


Property Description

Target detected actions

Opens the Action Chain Editor for Proximity Sensor Target detected actions.

Target not detected actions

Opens the Action Chain Editor for Proximity Sensor Target not detected actions.