DyNet to DMX Rx gateway

About DMX Rx

The DDNG485 can be factory set as a DMX Receive Gateway. In this configuration, the device acts as an input device with 512 inputs. It listens to DMX channel level messages and then triggers a DyNet action. For example, turning the house lights on or off in an entertainment venue.

dyn ddng485 dmx rx topology
Factory set device to DDNG485-DMX-Rx:
  1. Connect SB to Port 1 of the DDNG485.

  2. In System view, right-click the DDNG485 select sb icon factory set device Factory Set… ( Alt+Z ).

  3. Select DDNG485-DMX-Rx and click OK.

  4. Click sb icon save to device Save to Device.

    sb factory set ddng485 dmx rx

The following editors are available for the DDNG485-DMX-Rx:

  • Device Properties

  • DMX Channel Mappings

  • Tasks

  • Switches

  • Area Cascading Tasks (Technician license only)

  • Ports

  • Product Details

Configuring DMX Rx

DDNG485-DMX-Rx functions are configured in the DMX Channel Mappings editor.

In the upper part of the editor under the Ports section, you can specify the DMX origin channel number. This is typically 1, but depends on the DMX system configuration.

If required, you can enable Run task on detection and/or Run task on loss to trigger a specified Task number when a DMX signal is detected or lost.

sb ddng485 dmx channel mappings

The lower left part of the editor shows each DMX Channel along with an associated Action, which is configured using the properties on the right.

sb ddng485 dmx channel mappings actions
Configure DMX Rx channel actions:
  1. Select one of the 512 DMX channels.

  2. Select an action and configure the action properties.


  • sb icon preset Presets

    Recalls a preset by dividing the DMX channel level range (0-254) equally across the number of presets from Min preset to Max preset (inclusive). The example below uses four presets (Min: 4, Max: 1).

    Presets are only sent once as the level moves up/down into the range:

    DMX Range





    Preset Number










  • sb icon set channel level Set channel level
    Sets a DyNet channel level for a specific logical channel according to the DMX channel level.

  • sb icon set area level Set area level
    Sets a DyNet channel level for all logical channels in an area according to the DMX channel level.

  • sb icon task stop start Task stop start
    Send task start message when DMX channel level is above 66% and send task stop message when DMX channel level is below 33%

  • sb icon task pause resume Task pause resume
    Send task resume message when DMX channel level is above 66% and send task pause message when DMX channel level is below 33%

  • sb icon function no function No action
    DMX Rx action properties

Action Properties

Property Description

Fade time
(rounded to 20 ms)

Fade time between the two different levels (hh:mm:ss:mmm).

Logical Area

The area affected by the recalled presets.


The affected channel in the Logical Area (or All Channels [0]).


Static join of the device.

Min preset

Selected preset triggered by the lowest DMX channel level.

Max preset

Selected preset triggered by the highest DMX channel level.

Task number

Identifies the task in the target device.

Device code

Identifies the target device type.

Box number

Address of the target device.