Tasking Reference
This is a comprehensive list of commands available in the task editor with examples of their use cases. Also included are some terminology used in the articles.
Memory, Pointers, and Flags
Accumulator - RAM for operations
Labels - Targets for branching and copy commands
LSB - Least Significant Bit - First bit in a byte
MSB - Most Significant Bit - Last bit in a byte
Carry Flag - Indicates if last operation exceeded 0-225
Minus Flag - Indicates the state of the MSB
Zero Flag - Indicates if the last operation is 0 or equal
X Register - Additional RAM for special operations
Basic Conditional Logic
LDA - Loads to the data accumulator
CMP - Compares to the data accumulator
STA - Stores from the data accumulator
INC - Increments the data accumulator
DEC - Decrements the data accumulator
ADD - Adds a value to the data accumulator
SUB - Subtracts a value from the data accumulator
MUL - Multiplies the data accumulator by the X Register
DIV - Divides the data accumulator by the X Register
BRZ - Branch if compare is equal or value is 0
BNE - Branch if not equal or zero
BRA - Branch always
BMI - Branch if Minus Flag is set
BPL - Branch if Minus Flag is not set
BRC - Branch if Carry Flag is set
BCC - Branch if Carry Flag is not set
JUMP - Branch to label or location
Lighting Control
Preset() - Sends a classic preset message
PresetOffset() - Sends a preset offset message
ResetPreset() - Sends a reset preset message
ChannelLevel() - Sends a channel level message
Panic() - Sends a panic message
UnPanic() - Sends an unpanic message
Sending Custom Packets
DyNet() - Sends a DyNet message
Send2() - Sends a custom string to port 2
Send4() - Changes the display of the DR2P OLED panel
SendP() - Sends a custom message to a communication port
SendPF() - Sends a more flexible custom message to a communication port
TX - Sends a DyNet message to a communication port
Device Control
LEDOnOff() - Turns indicators on and off
LEDColour() - Sets color of backlit engraving
EnableButton() - Enables and disables buttons
EnableEvent() - Enables events on DTC timeclocks
DisableEvent() - Disable events on DTC timeclocks
X Register
LDX - Loads the X Register
CMPX - Compares to the X Register
STX - Store to the X Register
INCX - Increments the X Register
DECX - Decrements the X Register
SWAP - Swaps the values in the data accumulator and the X Register
TAX - Transfers the data accumulator to the X Register
TXA - Transfers the X Register to the data accumulator
Task Control
StartTask() - Starts a local task
PauseTask() - Pauses a local task
StopTask() - Stops and resets a local task
CancelTask() - Stops and resets a local task
Start() - Listens to the network and starts off matching DyNet message
StartX() - Listens to the network and starts off matching IP message
NewVector() - Specified a new start location for the next time the task is run
Null - Tells a task to stop
Yield - Allows other tasks to take priority
Type= - Shortcut for creating chasing tasks
Constants and Modifiers
'Const#' - A constant to reference in other commands
Area= - Changes the default area number
Delay= - Changes the default delay time
Fade= - Changes the default fade time
Bank= - Changes the default preset bank
Delay= - Changes the default channel level
Delay= - Changes the default preset number
Join= - Changes the default join value
Bitwise Operations
AND - Clears specified bits in the data accumulator
OR - Sets specified bits in the data accumulator
XOR - Find the difference between two bitfields
ROL - Roll Left - Moves all bits left, MSB into the Carry Flag, and Carry Flag into the LSB
ROR - Roll Right - Moves all bits right, LSB into the Carry Flag, and the Carry Flag into the MSB
SHL - Shift Left - Moves all bits left, MSB into the Carry Flag, and clears the LSB
SHR - Shift Right - Moves all bits right, LSB into the Carry Flag, and clears the MSB
Copy - Copies data from the buffer or labels to the data accumulator or memory locations
#asm - Mystery command that bypasses the compiler