This section provides some basic maintenance and troubleshooting information for potential issues.
Site Connection Issues
The steps below are general in nature. Please consult your service provider and network device manufacturer(s) for more detailed diagnosis and troubleshooting advice.
Check for outages:
Check your service provider’s website or contact their support to find out if there’s a service outage in your area.
If there are no outages, your provider may be able to test your connection remotely for line faults, dropouts, or slowdowns.
Verify equipment:
Check the front of the PDDEG-S has solid green Ethernet LED and solid white or green cloud LED.
Ensure that your modem’s power light is on and that all cables (power, Ethernet, etc.) are securely connected.
Repeat this process for all other network devices and cables.
Restart your modem and all other network devices to re-establish connections.
LAN connectivity:
Connect each network device directly to a computer or laptop, using the same Ethernet cables, to isolate any points of failure.
If possible, avoid using Wi-Fi range extenders to connect the PDDEG-S to the LAN, as these devices are vulnerable to radio interference.
System Builder Cloud Region
Selecting the closest region ensures the best connection speed from System Builder to the Dynalite Cloud Platform.
To adjust this in System Builder, select the job name from the System tree and open the Connection Settings tab. Click the Use Online Gateway Connection
button, then select the closest Cloud Region from the dropdown list.
Using Remote Flash for On-Site Visual Identification
Flashing the LEDs on a user interface or sensor, or the lamps assigned to an area or output channel, enables on-site staff to easily identify specific devices or drivers.
Connect SB to the site and open System view.
Right-click the device and select
To finish, right-click the device again and select
Stop Flash.
Connect SB to the site and open Areas view.
Right-click the desired area/channel and select
To finish, right-click the area/channel again and select
Stop Flash.
Connect SB to the site and open System view.
Select the desired controller and open the Outputs tab.
In the desired output row, click the
Flash checkbox.
To finish, click the
Flash checkbox again.
Finding Your LAN Gateway Address
The PDDEG-S requires your LAN’s network gateway IP address to connect to the cloud. This is supplied automatically when using DHCP, but if the PDDEG-S is configured with a static IP address you will need to enter it manually in the SB Bridge Configuration wizard or the Ports editor.
You can check the default gateway address with PDDEG-S by changing DHCP to false, then reading the Port editor information to see the IP gateway address that was assigned via DHCP. Alternatively, you can find this address from any Windows computer connected to the same LAN as the PDDEG-S.
Open the Start menu, then type
and press Enter to open a Command Prompt window. -
and press Enter. -
Look for the Default Gateway address.
In SB, enter this address in the PDDEG-S Ports editor IPv4 > Gateway property.
Press F12 to save your changes to the device.
Ensure that the customer’s Ethernet switch does not limit the number of connected MAC addresses to only one device. |
The Ports editor DNS server IP address may be different to the Gateway IP address. The DNS server and possibly the Alternative DNS server (advanced) should be specified by the customer’s IT team. |
For more information on ports that need to be whitelisted in the customer’s firewall, please refer to the Dynalite Security Statement at |
PDDEG-S LED Behavior
The PDDEG-S has three onboard LED indicators to show its status:
Service Switch LED (red):
Booting (when switched on or reset)
Device fault
Slow blink: OK
Fast blink: OK, network busy
LAN LED (green):
OFF: Not connected
ON: Connected
Cloud LED (white/green):
OFF: No valid connection to cloud (end-point scan failed)
ON: Signed on to cloud and assigned to a site (may take up to 30 minutes after registration)
Slow blink: Able to sign on to cloud but not assigned to a site
Double blink: Unable to sign on to cloud
Please create a support ticket if any scan results are not passed. |
Avoid Changing PDDEG-S Settings
When accessing a site remotely in System Builder, it is vital that the PDDEG-S cloud gateway remains online, operational, and connected to the rest of the on-site Dynalite system.
Please exercise extreme caution when modifying any properties under the following:
Job/PDDEG-S Connection Settings tab.
PDDEG-S Ports tab.
Where possible, you should not reconfigure the PDDEG-S unless an on-site technician is available to reverse any changes that might take the gateway offline.
The cloud connection uses the WebSocket port and must be enabled with default settings. All routings related to WebSocket connection must stay the same, any reconfiguration will cause issues. You can also use the WebSocket to communicate with the gateway. You do not need to create additional TCP/UDP ports.
Ensure that any default multicast routing is disabled.
We strongly advise against remotely changing the gateway’s DyNet Comm Port > Baudrate setting from the default 9600, as this may cause communication issues that are extremely difficult to diagnose or fix remotely.
DyNet Mute
To avoid making any unwanted changes to the system, you can toggle Trunk/Spur Connection > DyNet Mute to On. This enables SB to receive but not send DyNet messages. This safeguard is enabled by default for online connection to the cloud gateway. To automatically enable it for all connections, or to set a timeout (i.e., unmute after X minutes of inactivity), click the button. |