^68 - The Day Rhythm Port
This read/write port contains the state of the Day Rhythm curves on an Ethernet Gateway.
You can write to the port to enable or disable individual curves specified by the subport.
Currently implemented on PDEG, PDDEG-S, and PDTS. 8/24 |
LDA ^68,x
Where x is the curve of Day Rhythms you want the status of or too control with 0 controlling all curves.
STA ^68,0 will enable or disable all curves.
LDA ^68,1 will get the state of the first curve.
Response |
Description |
0x00 |
Disabled |
0x01 |
Enabled |
0x02 |
Curve out of range |
Example 1
Example Enabling different curves for different seasons
Name="Winter Curve" //
LDA #1
STA ^68,1 //Enable Day Rhythm Curve for Winter
LDA #0
STA ^68,2 //Disable Day Rhythm Curve for Spring/Autumn
STA ^68,3 //Disable Day Rhythm Curve for Summer
Name="Spring/Autumn Curve" //
LDA #1
STA ^68,2 //Enable Day Rhythm Curve for Spring/Autumn
LDA #0
STA ^68,1 //Disable Day Rhythm Curve for Winter
STA ^68,3 //Disable Day Rhythm Curve for Summer
Name="Summer Curve" //
LDA #1
STA ^68,3 //Enable Day Rhythm Curve for Summer
LDA #0
STA ^68,1 //Disable Day Rhythm Curve for Winter
STA ^68,2 //Disable Day Rhythm Curve for Spring/Autumn