Configure Inputs

The Inputs editor contains the following settings to configure analog or switch inputs:

  • General (Advanced)

  • Input Switches list showing function icon, Switch type & number, and Description with the name and function details.

Select a switch to view and configure the following properties:

  • General

  • Logical Address

  • Advanced

  • Analog input or Function

Initially only the basic fields are shown. Most standard setups do not require advanced properties, but you can reveal all fields by clicking the sb icon advanced  Advanced button.

Displayed fields can be sorted in one of two ways by clicking the following icons:
sb icon categorized Categorized
sb icon alphabetical Alphabetical

Refer to the property description pane at the bottom of the editor for explanations of each property.

sb inputs editor ddfcuc
The local temperature sensor must be configured on Input 1.
Configure inputs:
  1. Select an input switch.

  2. Input 1 only: Set Analog input to True for a local temperature sensor, or False for a dry contact input.

  3. Select and configure the applicable properties for each input as required (see below).

  4. Press F12 or click sb icon save to device Save to Device.

Standard properties are shown in bold. Advanced properties are shown in bold italics.
Property Description

General (Advanced)


Enabled/Disabled. Affects all switches.

Property Description



User-specified switch name.


Enabled/Disabled for a single switch.

Analog input

Select True for temperature sensor (Input 1 only) or valve position sensor, or False for dry contact input.

Logical Addresses

Logical Area

Sets the area where the switch will be used.


Sets the affected channel. Select a channel or use All Channels (0).


Assign any join rows that are applicable using the join byte.


Base Link Area Enabled/Disabled.


Enabled when panel disabled

If True, function is still available in panic mode.

Trigger at startup

If True, switch action is force-triggered at startup. Defined action will be executed based on switch state (pressed or released) when device is reset.

Proxy channel index

Can be referenced in a custom action using Action Chain Editor > Preset (Advanced) to send a DyNet message to a different logical address. Allows you to specify the proxy channel index of a different input to use the logical address associated with that input.
(see System Manager: Configuring Actions)

Analog input


Sets the input to Temperature sensor (Input 1 only) or Valve position sensor.

Sample Period (milliseconds)

Period between samplings.

Filter type

Set to All pass (no filter) or Averaging (uses the Averaging filter parameter to remove noise and smooth the temperature values).

Averaging filter parameter

Default: 64



Select one of the following functions to display the specific function properties:

  • sb icon function airflow sensor Airflow sensor
    Used to detect fan failure.

  • sb icon function custom Custom
    Set multiple actions.

  • sb icon function dirty air filter Dirty air filter
    Indicates air filter is dirty and requires cleaning.

  • sb icon function drip tray overflow Drip tray overflow
    The drip tray is full with water and needs draining.

  • sb icon function energy holdoff Energy holdoff
    Also known as Window switch. Turns off the plant to conserve energy when a window is open.

  • sb icon function fire trip Smoke detector trip
    Indicates smoke alert.

  • sb icon function hot water on cold valve Hot water on cold valve
    Indicates that hot water is available on the cold water valve.

  • sb icon preset Preset
    Recalls a preset over DyNet.

  • sb icon function no function No function

Activated when


DyNet mute

If True, stops DyNet messages being created by this function.


Selected preset

Fade (rounded to 10 ms)

Default: 00:00:02:000 (hh:mm:ss:mmm)

Custom Functions

Press actions

Release Actions

Extended press actions

Extended release Actions

Click the Modify button to select the action(s) from the Action Chain Editor:

  • sb icon preset Preset

  • sb icon function local task Local Task

  • sb icon function channel level Channel Level

  • sb icon function stop fade Stop Fade

  • sb icon function stop fade Stop Fade Programme Reset

  • sb icon function one touch One Touch

  • sb icon function one touch Toggle Preset

  • sb icon function preset offset Preset Offset

  • sb icon function panic Panic

  • sb icon function occupancy Occupancy

  • sb icon send device sign on Sign On

  • sb icon set display brightness Set Display Brightness

  • sb icon function dynet Dynet1 Physical Message

  • sb icon function dynet Dynet1 Physical Smart Send

  • sb icon function dynet Dynet1 Logical Message

  • sb icon function dynet Dynet1 Logical Smart Send