^51 - The Logical Channel Port

This is a read/write port for the logical channel number of a feature on a device.
For a load controller this will be the channel assignment of each output. For sensors and UIs it will be things like motion control, light control, native channel, and temperature channel.


LDA ^51,x //loads from the channel value
STA ^51,x //writes to the channel value
Where x is the proxy channel index of the thing you want the logical channel of.

^51 Logical channel subport mapping


Load Controller




Output 1

Motion Channel

Native Channel


Output 2

Primary Closed Loop Channel

Proximity Sensor Channel


Output 3

Tertiary Closed Loop Channel


Output 4

Open Loop Channel


Output 5

IR Channel 1

Temperature Channel


Output 6

IR Channel 2


Output 7

IR Channel 3


Output 8

IR Channel 4


Output 9

IR Channel 5


Output 10


Output n-1


Example 1

This task updates the preset table on a DDC116 based on what channel it is assigned to via the sign on button.

   	Name="Preset Update Task"
	LDA ^51,0			//Load the channel number
	STA ~21				//Store to tilde memory 21.
	CMP #1
	BRZ CH1Screen	    //Is it the screen? (Channel 1)
	CMP #6				//Is it the plugload? (Channel 6)
	BRZ CH6PlugLoad		//If not assume general lighting channel
/////////////////////////Channels 2-5//////////////////////////////////////////
		//Here we load the message into some tilde locations so we can edit it and use the TX command to send it out.
		Copy Msg_All_Zones_Preset5_Level_20,~0,7//Load and send Blind program level 20% to preset 5 (Av)
		TX ~0,0,7 								//Send to Dynet Mute to self program
		Copy Msg_All_Zones_Preset6_Level_10,~0,7//Load and send Blind program level 10% to preset 6 (Present)
		TX ~0,0,7
		Copy Msg_All_Zones_Preset10_Level_10,~0,7//Load and send Blind program level 10% to preset 10 (AV Grace)
		TX ~0,0,7
		Copy Msg_All_Zones_Preset11_Level_10,~0,7//Load and send Blind program level 10% to preset 11 (Present Grace)
		TX ~0,0,7
		Copy Msg_All_Zones_Preset12_Level_0,~0,7//Load and send Blind program level 0% to preset 12 (Manual Off)
		TX ~0,0,7
		BRA ChannelCheck
		//Here we load the message into some tilde locations so we can edit it and use the TX command to send it out.
		Copy Msg_Zone1_Preset5_Level_0,~0,7	//Load and send Blind program level 0% to preset 5 (Av)
		TX ~0,0,7 							//Send to Dynet Mute to self program
		Copy Msg_Zone1_Preset6_Level_60,~0,7//Load and send Blind program level 60% to preset 6 (Present)
		TX ~0,0,7
		Copy Msg_Zone1_Preset10_Level_0,~0,7//Load and send Blind program level 0% to preset 10 (AV Grace)
		TX ~0,0,7
		Copy Msg_Zone1_Preset11_Level_20,~0,7//Load and send Blind program level 20% to preset 11 (Present Grace)
		TX ~0,0,7
		Copy Msg_Zone1_Preset12_Level_0,~0,7//Load and send Blind program level 0% to preset 12 (Manual Off)
		TX ~0,0,7
		BRA ChannelCheck
///////////////////////////////////Plug Load//////////////////////////////////
		//Here we load the message into some tilde locations so we can edit it and use the TX command to send it out.
		Copy Msg_Zone6_Preset5_Level_100,~0,7//Load and send Blind program level 100% to preset 5 (Av)
		TX ~0,0,7 						     //Send to Dynet Mute to self program
		Copy Msg_Zone6_Preset10_Level_100,~0,7//Load and send Blind program level 100% to preset 10 (AV Grace)
		TX ~0,0,7
		Copy Msg_Zone6_Preset12_Level_100,~0,7//Load and send Blind program level 100% to preset 12 (Manual Off)
		TX ~0,0,7
	LDA ^51,0					//Load the channel number
	CMP ~21					    //Compare to the previous channel number
	BNE PresetUpdate			//If different go update the preset values
	Delay(1)					//If the same delay 1 second
	BRA ChannelCheck			//And check again

Example 2

This task changes the channel of an output to exclude it from DH.

    Name="DH Excluder"
    LDA ~3          //Load the preset byte
    BRZ DH_Enabled  //If in preset 1, all on, add the output back into DH
    LDA #5          //Load channel 5
    STA ^51,5       //Store it as the new channel for output 4.
        LDA #1          //Load channel 1
        STA ^51,5       //Store it as the new channel for output 4.