The EG acts as a bridge between RS-485 and Ethernet networks or between multiple Ethernet socket connections. This allows a trunk and spur system to be easily scaled up by adding an EG for each required spur. The system supports up to 500 Ethernet gateways connected to the trunk network.
A PDDEG-S must be used for secure Ethernet connections. |
In addition, the PDDEG-S can function as a building connectivity bridge to connect the on-premises system to the cloud or to a multisite system.
Dynalite cloud features are currently under development. |
EG Applications
Ethernet gateways have several standard applications that can be easily configured by selecting one of the options in the Bridge Configuration Wizard:
Ethernet Access Point - Standard routing for Ethernet connections to the gateway.
Ethernet to RS-485 Translation Gateway - Routing and translation between Ethernet trunk and DyNet RS-485 spur devices.
Ethernet to Ethernet Translation Gateway - Routing and translation between an Ethernet trunk and other Ethernet devices. Can be used to configure secure Ethernet communication between PDDEG-S and spur Ethernet devices such as the DDBC320-DALI.
Ethernet to IPv6 Multicast Gateway - Routing and translation between Ethernet trunk and IPv6 multicast spur connections to PoE luminaires or wireless gateway (PDZG-E) devices. This option is also used to configure a hybrid system (DyNet, PoE, wireless) by selecting ‘Enable RS-485 Spur' in Step 2.
Hotel Floor Ethernet Gateway - Routing and translation between Ethernet trunk and GRMS devices.
Hotel Room Ethernet Gateway - Routing and translation between Ethernet spur and RS-485 devices (DDRC-GRMS-E only).
WebSocket/Cloud Connection/BACnet integration is now included in Ethernet Access Point, Ethernet to RS-485 Translation Gateway, and Ethernet to IPv6 Multicast Gateway. |
All gateway configurations are limited to 50 ports, 100 routing records, and 200 filters. These limits are quickly exceeded when using common areas between gateways. Do not use common areas unless there is a genuine need. |
PDDEG-S Factory Reset
For security reasons, the PDDEG-S cannot be factory reset from System Builder. Use the following procedure to factory reset the PDDEG-S:
Additional Information
For more information on Ethernet to IPv6 Multicast Gateway, please refer to the PoE Wired/Wireless Commissioning Guide(s), available from the Signify MyLighting Portal. For more information on Hotel Floor Ethernet Gateway and Hotel Room Ethernet Gateway, please refer to the STR Commissioning Guide, available from the Signify MyLighting Portal. |