Logical Configuration

The logical configuration can be created in the Areas View tree or entered/pasted into the Outputs editor for a device. You can assign circuits and/or drivers to areas by dragging them from the Unassigned Devices editor into an area.

sb areas view small

To manually set the commissioning status of an area, right-click the area and select sb icon commissioning status completed Set Status. The following options are available:

  • sb icon commissioning status in progress In progress

  • sb icon witness mode Ready to Witness

  • sb icon commissioning status completed Completed

  • sb icon warning Attention Required

  • Clear

SB provides the following configuration tools:

sb icon circuit lamp Outputs (circuits/lamp drivers) can be:

  • sb icon circuit assigned Assigned – to a channel by dragging them from the list of unassigned channels.

  • sb icon unassign circuit Unassigned – by selecting Unassign from the toolstrip or right-click context menu, or by dragging back to the list of unassigned outputs.

  • sb icon output unassigned Reassigned – by dragging them from one channel to another.

  • sb icon cut Cut – the cut operation will temporarily unassign the output until it is subsequently pasted.

  • sb icon rename Renamed – using either the context menu or the main window edit menu or toolbar.

  • sb icon edit Edited – Channel properties can be edited by selecting "Edit Channel" from the context menu. This will switch to System View and open the device Outputs editor.

  • sb icon flash Flashed – to identify devices, areas/channels and circuits/lamp drivers.

  • sb icon enumerate dali Enumerated – DALI lamp drivers are given a DALI short address so that they can be controlled individually.

sb areas view unassigned devices

sb icon folder Folders sb icon area Areas and sb icon channel Channels can be:

  • sb icon new folder sb icon new area sb icon new channel Inserted – using either the toolstrip buttons at the top of Areas View, the context menu, or from the main window Insert menu.

  • sb icon cut Cut sb icon copy Copied or sb icon paste Pasted – using either the context menu, the main window Edit menu or toolbar buttons.

  • sb icon rename Renamed or sb icon delete Deleted – using either the context menu, main window Edit menu, or toolbar buttons.

  • sb icon move Moved or sb icon copy Copied – by dragging around the Areas tree.

  • sb icon flash Flashed – Areas and Channels can be flashed.

sb icon preset Presets can be:

  • sb icon new preset Inserted – using either the context menu or the toolstrip button. Presets can be inserted singularly or in a range. Additionally Toggle and Panic Presets can be modified.

  • sb icon delete Deleted – using either the context menu or toolstrip button. As preset numbers must be continuous, Presets can only be deleted from the end of the list of Presets.

  • sb icon copy Copied, sb icon paste Pasted and sb icon preset duplicate Duplicated – using the context menu, tool-strip buttons or the main window edit menu. When pasting Presets the user can select to either replace the levels of an existing Preset or create a new Preset. The table view allows multiple Channel level values to be copied and pasted as text.

  • sb icon preset sync Synchronised – using the button on the toolstrip. This synchronises the Device Preset tables to the Area Preset table (device to logical) or vice versa (logical to device) for circuits/lamp drivers assigned to channels in the selected area.

sb icon flash Flash and sb icon flash stop Stop Flash are used to find the physical location of circuits and devices in a project by sending messages that alternates levels between 0% and 100%. This indication is then used to determine the area and channel assignments.

Once items are placed into a flashing state their corresponding icons will indicate they are flashing in all views. System Builder provides support for flashing the following items:

  • Area – Flashes the Logical Areas selected in the Areas View Tree.

  • Channel – Flashes the channels selected in the Areas View tree or the Areas View Presets editor.

  • Circuit – Flashes all the lights connected to a circuit/lamp driver. Outputs can be flashed from the Areas View, the Unassigned Channels editor, or the System View Presets editor.

  • Load Controller – Flashes a load controller to simultaneously identify all circuits/lamp drivers connected to the load controller. Load controllers can be flashed from the System View Tree, the Unassigned Devices Editor, or the Area Devices Editor.

  • Panel/Sensor – Places the device into setup mode and flashes the indicator LEDs in each button or sensor. Panels and sensors can be flashed from the System View tree, the Unassigned Devices Editor or the Area Devices editor.

Before commissioning, you can easily do a network integrity check on your whole system by sending Preset 1 then Preset 4 to default Area 1. All unassigned channels should go to ON then OFF.