^57 - The Backlight Port

This read/write port represents the state of the light wash or screen on a device.
The value of the first bit(LSB) determines the binary state of the lightwash/screen backlights and will override the proximity sensor.
The value of the second bit will determine the binary state of the screen.
Currently this port only works on the Antumbra family and PDTS.

This port is only a binary on/off state for the lightwash. It does not have a parameter for intensity.


LDA ^57,0 //loads state of the backlights on Antumbra and PDTS
STA ^57,0 //changes the state of the backlights

Bit 2 will control the PDTS Screen but not the PADPA display backlight nor will it affect button indicators or Revolution backlit engraving.


    Name="Task 1"
    LDA #1              //Load an on value
    STA ^57,0           //Store it to turn the lightwash on only

    LDA #0              //Load an off value
    STA ^57,0           //Store it to turn the lightwash off

    LDA #2              //Load an on value
    STA ^57,0           //Store it to turn the screen on only

    LDA #3              //Load an on value
    STA ^57,0           //Store it to turn the screen and light wash on

    LDA ^57,0           //Load the state of the lightwash and screen