AntumbraDisplay Properties

This page includes properties for the display itself, and for each button’s displayed icon/text.

Standard properties are shown in bold. Advanced properties are shown in italics.

Displayed fields can be sorted in one of two ways by clicking the following icons:
sb icon categorized Categorized
sb icon alphabetical Alphabetical

Initially only the basic fields are shown. To reveal all fields, click the sb icon advanced  Advanced button.

Display Properties

In panel view, click on the display to show the display settings in the Properties window. These settings control the background image as well as the three indicator fields.


Property Description


The page number, assigned to pages in the order that they are created.


The type of page: Home, Standby or Standard.


User-defined name for the page.

Background image

Click the button to select a new background image.
Background images are stored as a 240x368 px (WxH) monochrome Portable Bitmap (.bmp) file.
When setting a new background image, SB will attempt to resize and convert other file types (.bmp, .png, .jpg) and sizes, but results may vary.

Common Display Properties

These properties determine the type and location of each display field:

  • Portrait > Top/Middle/Bottom

  • Landscape > Left/Middle/Right

  • Button > Display (Click the required button to view/edit)

Further properties are shown for each display type (See Display Types below).

Property Description

Display type

The type of information displayed in the indicator field.

X coordinate
Y coordinate

The distance in pixels from the left (X) and top (Y) edges of the screen to the left and top edges of the indicator field.
If Text > Double Line Text is selected, separate X and Y coordinates are shown for each line.

Display Types

Any of the following options are available for each of the three indicator fields.

Button fields support Icon, Text, Multi-preset Icon, Multi-channel level Icon, and Clear.


Displays a static icon from the Antumbra Icon Library.

Property Description


Displays the selected icon. Click the button to select a new icon.


Displays a text label.

Property Description

Text type

Toggles between Single/Double Line Text.

First line text
Second line text

Enter the required text here.

Font size
First line font size
Second line font size

Enter a value (0-255).


Displays the current time. This function is affected by the Device Properties > Display time minimum update.

Property Description

Use 24-hour format

Toggles between 24- and 12-hour time format.

Display unit

For 12-hour format, select am/pm or AM/PM.

Font size

Small, Medium, Large.

Current Local Temperature

Displays the temperature detected by the device’s onboard sensor.

Property Description


Toggle between Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F).

Display degree only

True for degree symbol only (°), False to include unit (°C or °F).

Font size

Small, Medium, Large.

Current Area Temperature

Displays the reported temperature for a specific logical area.

Property Description


Toggle between Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F).

Display degree only

True for degree symbol only (°), False to include unit (°C or °F).

Font size

Small, Medium, Large.

Logical Area

Selects which area’s temperature to report.


The join level for the DyNet message.


The base link area, if any, assigned to the area.
Set to Disabled if not applicable.

Temperature Setpoint

Displays the current temperature setpoint for the selected logical area.

Property Description


Toggle between Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F).

Display degree only

True for degree symbol only (°), False to include unit (°C or °F).

Font size

Small, Medium, Large

Logical Area

Selects which area’s temperature setpoint to report.


The join level for the DyNet message.


The base link area, if any, assigned to the area.
Set to Disabled if not applicable.

Multi-preset Icon

The keypad listens for preset commands for the specified area and displays a dynamic icon with up to 64 different states indicating the current preset for a specific logical area or channel.

Property Description


Displays the icon’s first state. Click the button to open the Antumbra Icon Library and configure the icon.

Logical Area

Selects which area’s preset to report.


Selects which channel within the area to report.
We recommend leaving this set to All Channels[0] unless otherwise required.


The join level for the DyNet preset commands.


The base link area, if any, assigned to the area or channel.
Set to Disabled if not applicable.

Multi-channel Level Icon

The keypad listens for channel level commands for the specified channel and displays a dynamic icon with up to 64 different states indicating the most recently recalled channel level.

Property Description

Minimum channel level (%)

Specifies the lowest channel level represented by the icon.

Maximum channel level (%)

Specifies the highest channel level represented by the icon.


Displays the icon’s first state. Click the button to open the Antumbra Icon Library and configure the icon.

Logical Area

Selects the logical area.


Selects which logical channel within the area to report on.
Note that All Channels[0] will ignore individual channel level commands.


The static join for the logical channel.


The base link area, if any, assigned to the area or channel.
Set to Disabled if not applicable.

Percent Channel Level

The keypad listens for channel level commands and displays the channel level percentage for the selected logical channel.

Property Description

Font size

Small, Medium, Large

Logical Area

Selects the logical area.


Selects which logical channel within the area to query.
Note that All Channels[0] ignores individual channel level messages.


The join level for the DyNet message.


The base link area, if any, assigned to the channel.
Set to Disabled if not applicable.


This option leaves the indicator field blank.

Antumbra Icon Library

This library contains all of the icon graphics available for the AntumbraDisplay. You can select from a collection of included icons or import your own.

To access the Library, select Tools > Antumbra Icon Library… from the menu.

There are four tabs for different icon types:

  • User Icons

  • Standard Icons

  • Multi-preset Icons

  • Multi-channel level Icons

Opening the library with the Properties > Display > Icon(s)> Change button shows only the appropriate tab(s) for the selected Display Type.

User Icons

This tab contains any icons you have imported into SB. The standard icon size is 64px by 48px.

sb antumbra icon library user

To import a new icon, click sb icon library import Import and select one of the following:

  • Import from Image File… imports .bmp, .png and .jpg files.

  • Import from Export File… imports .aix icon files that have been exported from SB.

After opening the file, select an existing category or enter a new category name and click OK.

To export an icon, click sb icon library export Export then select one of the following:

  • Export to Image File… saves the icon as a .bmp image.

  • Export to Export File… saves the icon as a .aix file.

You can also select multiple icons and use the Export File option to create a single .aix file containing all of the exported icons.

To delete a selected icon, click sb icon delete Remove.

Standard Icons

This tab contains a preinstalled collection of default icons for a variety of functions.

You can export a standard icon to a .bmp file by clicking sb icon library export Export > Export to Image File.

sb antumbra icon library standard

Multi-preset icons

This dynamic icon switches between up to 64 individual standard or user icons to indicate the current preset for an area or channel.

sb antumbra icon library multi preset

A number of sb icon library preinstalled preinstalled icons are displayed in the list window on the left.

Create editable sb icon library custom custom icons by clicking sb icon add Add, or select an existing icon and click sb icon library duplicate Duplicate to copy it.

Use sb icon library import Import and sb icon library export Export to copy custom multi-preset icons (.apx) between SB installations.

The following properties are shown for each multi-preset icon. You can only edit these properties for custom icons:

Property Description


The name of the multi-preset icon.


The number of individual preset icons (1-64).

Item [1-64] - Preset

Specifies the preset number for the associated icon.

Item [1-64] - Icon

Click the button to select the icon associated with the preset.

Multi-channel level icons

This dynamic icon switches between up to 64 individual standard or user icons to indicate the current channel level, for a specific channel or all channels in an area.

sb antumbra icon library multi level

The first and last icons represent the minimum and maximum levels defined in the indicator field, with the intermediate icons divided evenly along the range.

For example, a multi-channel level icon with four stages from 0% to 100% is displayed like this:

Icon Channel Level



1% to 49%


50% to 99%



A number of sb icon library preinstalled preinstalled icons are displayed in the list window on the left.

Create editable sb icon library custom custom icons by clicking sb icon add Add, or select an existing icon and click sb icon library duplicate Duplicate to copy it.

Use sb icon library import Import and sb icon library export Export to copy custom multi-preset icons (.apx) between SB installations.

The following properties are shown for each multi-preset icon. You can only edit these properties for custom icons:


Property Description


The name of the multi-preset icon.


The number of individual icons (1-64).

Item [1-64] - Icon

Click the button to select the channel level icon.