^19 - The Fader Port
This port is a read only value of the state of faders.
LDA ^19,x
Where x is the fader number you wish to get the state of.
^19,0 will give the state of fader 1.
^19,21 will give the state of fader 22.
0x00 = Fader at minimum
0xFF = Fader at maximum
This only exists on UPAN9 fader panels. It doesn’t work for virtual faders on PDTS. |
This uses Fader 10 to control fade rate of M1 Preset message
M1: Dynet(0x1c,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff)
Name=”Fader to fade rate"
COPY M1,~0,7 // Copy the values in M1 to ~0 to ~6
LDA ^19,9 // Capture the value for Fader 10 into the Accumulator
STA ~2 // Store the value from the fader to ~2 (Low fade byte)
TX ~0,1,7 // Transmit the M1 message with modified Fade byte