Configure HVAC Plant

The Plant Configuration editor enables you to configure the device outputs and contains the following settings:

  • Logical address

  • Temperature sensor

  • Valves

  • Fan

  • General Purpose Relay (GPR)

  • Faults/Signals (Advanced)

  • Runtime Parameters (Advanced and Read-only)

Initially only the basic fields are shown. Most standard setups do not require advanced properties, but you can reveal all fields by clicking the sb icon advanced  Advanced button.

Displayed fields can be sorted in one of two ways by clicking the following icons:
sb icon categorized Categorized
sb icon alphabetical Alphabetical

Refer to the property description pane at the bottom of the editor for explanations of each property.

The controller remembers the current settings for Setpoint, Fan, GPR, and Mode. Click sb icon clear runtime parameters Clear Runtime Parameters and then press F12 or click sb icon save to device Save to Device to reset the current operating values back to defaults.

To send a new setpoint temperature, enter a temperature in degrees Celsius in the toolbar box and click sb icon log start Send Temperature Setpoint. This is the temperature to be maintained by the FCUC. The setpoint can be overridden by DyNet logical opcode 0x48 until the next message or device is reset. The default setpoint is 22°C.

Basic Properties

sb plant configuration basic
  • Only Floating Hot/Cold valve configuration type is currently supported.

  • To enable the required outputs, you must set the following:

    • Cold/Hot valve control: Travel time (VALVES) or Analog (0-10V)

    • Fan control: Relay (FAN) or Analog (0-10V)

    • GPR: Enabled or Disabled

  • Regardless of the control output group, hot water must always be connected to VALVE 1 and cold water must always be connected to VALVE 2.

  • Fan configuration type:

    • 1 speed fan - Fan only has ON and OFF control. The non-zero value will activate the Fan-L output signal, while zero value will deactivate the FAN-Low output signal. FAN-Med and FAN-High always remain deactivated.

    • 2 speed fan - Fan has two ON states and OFF control. The value of 1-50% activates the FAN-Low output signal, while values from 51-100% activates FAN-Med output signal. Only one output signal is activated at any given time, while FAN-High will always remain deactivated.

    • 3 speed fan - Fan has three ON states and OFF control. Values of 1-33% activate the FAN-Low output signal, values of 34-66% activate the FAN-Med output signal, while values of 67-100% activate the FAN-High output signal. Only one output signal can be activated at a time.

Advanced Properties

Click sb icon advanced  Advanced to see the Faults/Signals properties and Runtime Parameters.

sb plant configuration advanced
  • By default, all fault signals are Enabled.

    Auto restart count sets the number of restart attempts - None, One, Two, or Infinite (default) - that can be made when a fault is tripped before the plant is permanently shut down.

    Once the plant permanently shuts down, the user must reset the fault state to normal by sending the DyNet physical opcode 0x5B. Once the fault state is restored, the plant needs to restart.

  • Runtime Parameters (read-only) show the following values:

    • Last known valid preset

    • Last known manual fan speed

    • Last known GPR level

    • Last known temperature setpoint (°C)