Connecting to BACnet

To set up the connection to the PDDEG-S, the BACnet client software requires some mandatory information about the PDDEG-S BACnet server. This information is entered into the PDDEG-S Ports editor and Device Properties editor.

Please provide the following information to the BACnet consultant:

  • Ports editor

    • IPv4 or IPv6 address
      IP address of the gateway.

  • Device Properties editor

    • Port
      BACnet server port number. Default = 47808.

    • Network ID
      The BACnet network number that the gateway is connected to. Default = 1.

    • Device ID
      The BACnet device number of the gateway.

You must first configure the PDDEG-S with the sb icon bridge wizard Bridge Configuration Wizard and ensure that you select the BACnet checkbox in Step 2 of the wizard.