Getting Started

Activating the superadmin account

The first time you connect to the dashboard, you will be prompted to set up the superadmin account.

The superadmin account should only be used for initial setup, and should be deleted after at least two Project Admin users have been created.

This is especially important if using LDAP authentication - the superadmin account is not an LDAP user, so LDAP policies cannot be applied to it.

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to the dashboard URL supplied by your network administrator.

  2. When prompted, enter the email address of the dashboard administrator, and a suitable password with at least:

    • 12 characters

    • 1 uppercase letter

    • 1 lowercase letter

    • 1 number

  3. click Save.

iah superadmin setup

Activating your account (standalone/email authentication only)

Account activation is not required for LDAP/S login services such as Microsoft Active Directory.
Your site administrator will advise which login method to use.

When your account is created, you will receive an activation email. Click the Create password button to open the password creation page in your browser.

iah welcome email

On the password creation page, enter a unique password with at least:

  • 12 characters

  • 1 uppercase letter

  • 1 lowercase letter

  • 1 number

Click the Create password button and you will be taken to the dashboard login screen.

iah welcome password

Logging in

Your company’s IT security policy may require a certificate to be installed on the client machine before you can access the Dashboard securely via https. If necessary, contact your network administrator for assistance.

Open your web browser and navigate to the dashboard URL.

Enter your email address and password, then click Log in.

iah login

Once logged in, you can use the navigation bar on the left to access each section of the Dashboard.

iah login successful