Public Area Profiles

Public area profiles are applied to all managed areas apart from rooms and suites, such as meeting rooms, bars, restaurants, lobbies, or exterior spaces.

Each profile includes the following tabs:

  • Scheduling - Set routines to automate system behavior by activating preconfigured states at specific times of each day.

  • States - Create and configure a state for each time of day (or recurring event) with appropriate settings for lighting, HVAC, and/or other connected services.

  • Alerts - Apply selected alerts to specific zones within each profile.


The States tab shows a list of available states for use in routines.

Click the Create new state button to add a state, or the symbol next to each state to Edit, Duplicate, or Delete it.

iah config scheduling states

Configuring States

Creating, duplicating, or editing a state will take you to the state editor, which displays a list of available services (Lighting, HVAC, etc.) and settings for each.

iah config scheduling states edit

Choose which services to include/exclude, adjust the settings for each included service as required, and click the Save and Apply button to finish.


The Schedules tab shows all current routines for the selected profile.

Each state in a routine activates its saved settings at the scheduled start time. This is a one-off event, and these settings are overridden by subsequent commands from user interfaces, sensors, or automated tasks.

iah config scheduling

Click the symbol next to a routine to Edit or Delete it.

Creating a Routine

  1. Click the + Create new routine button.

  2. Select Yes to start by copying an existing routine or No to start with a blank routine

  3. Click Next to open the routine editor.

iah config scheduling create empty

Add an Event

  1. In the editor, click the + Add event button.

    • Set a Start time, Absolute or Astronomical (relative to sunrise/sunset).

    • Select the required State.

    • Click the Add button.

    Repeat as needed.

iah config scheduling add event

Editing the Routine

Modify the Start time or State of any existing event in the list, or click the iah icon settings trashcan trashcan icon to delete it.

Under Occurrence, select which days of the week the routine should be active.

Click the Save and Apply button to save your changes.

iah config scheduling edit routine


View, add, and remove existing alerts for each zone in the profile, to ensure that only relevant alerts are shown.

After making any changes, click Save and apply to finish.

iah config space alerts