History & Performance

This tab includes changes in environmental conditions, room statuses and requests, and a detailed timeline of all system events in the room. Data can be viewed per guest stay, across a specified date range, or in real time. Real time data is updated every minute.

iah room history

To download a copy of the Events timeline, click the iah room history event download button button.

For Per stay and Date range reports, click the Choose a stay/date box on the right to open the date selection dialog box. Select the guest stay (not shown) or date range and click Apply to load the requested data.

iah room history date
Energy Reporting

All energy information provided by the Dashboard is notional only, meaning that it is calculated rather than measured or metered. Energy load estimates are entered during the commissioning process and combined with real-time monitoring of room events/activity, occupancy, and environmental conditions to calculate ongoing energy usage for each room.

The accuracy of notional energy reporting is dependent on the information provided during commissioning, and may differ from real-world measurements.

Where applicable, energy reporting is divided into three types:

  • Lighting uses the estimated max load, channel level, and run-time for each lighting circuit connected to a switched or dimmable channel.

  • Heating & Cooling uses HVAC energy profiles, recorded run-times in each available mode, and real-time temperature monitoring.

  • Base power combines two values:

    • Fixed base power uses a combined total estimate for all non-controlled plug loads (such as the fridge, minibar, coffee machine, TV, etc.) in each check-in/occupancy state.

    • Variable base power uses the estimated consumption and recorded run-time for each switched plug load controlled by the system.