^35 - The Light Level Sensor Port

This port is a read only value of the current lux level in two bytes.
This can be useful to make sure a task only executes above or below certain lux levels.

This only reports the calibrated value not a raw value recorded by the sensor.


LDA ^35,x
Where x is the detector index you want a value for
LDA ^35,0 //The lux level low byte
LDA ^35,1 //The lux level high byte

^35 Lux subport mapping


Response Type


Filtered Lux Low


Filtered Lux High


Unfiltered Lux Low


Unfiltered Lux High


Filtered Raw Lux Low


Filtered Raw Lux High


Unfiltered Raw Lux Low


Unfiltered Raw Lux High


Target Lux Level for Current Preset Low


Target Lux Level for Current Preset High

*Target lux level for current preset is a read/write value and can be edited unlike the other subports.


Excerpt from the D3 Sensor Closed loop daylight holdoff switch task template included in System Builder.

#const ClosedLoopArea 8
#const DaylightSwitchLuxHI 0
#const DaylightSwitchLuxLO 200

Name="Daylight Switch"
//Task is configured to start on motion and stop on no motion. Task stops itself when lights are switched on.
//Task reads lux port and calculates if lights should be set to preset 1 (on)
      LDA ^35,1      //Lux level Hi byte
      CMP #DaylightSwitchLuxHI
      BRZ HiByteEqual
      BCC TooBright  //Measured lux level higher than switch level
      BRA P1
      LDA ^35,0      //Lux level Lo byte
      CMP #DaylightSwitchLuxLO
      BCC TooBright  //Measured lux level higher than switch level
      BRA P1
      BRA GetLux