Wireless Commissioning

The PDZG-E wireless gateway, together with the PDDEG-S Ethernet gateway, adds control of compatible Zigbee luminaires to the Dynalite system.

dyn pdzg e 300px
dyn pddeg s 300px
Please read this entire guide carefully before proceeding!
  • The commissioning process for Zigbee drivers differs significantly from the traditional process for wired drivers.

  • Zigbee drivers are not suitable for closed loop light control areas (e.g. daylight harvesting).

  • Zigbee drivers do not support Join commands.

  • Commissioning of Zigbee devices such as sensors, signal dimming controllers, etc., is currently out of scope.

  • Additional topics will be added to this guide as new features are enabled and tested.

Wireless Control Architecture

The PDDEG-S acts as a secure TCP server, connecting up to 25 client PDZG-E wireless gateways to the rest of the Dynalite system.

Each PDZG-E supports up to 200 Zigbee drivers (recommended max: 60 per gateway).

Zigbee drivers are controlled like any other luminaire, using standard area preset and channel level commands from UIs, sensors, scheduled tasks, etc.

zb diagram zigbee hybrid
Example architecture combining wired DALI and wireless Zigbee into a single control system

Wireless Driver Commissioning Prerequisites

  • Dynalite cloud platform
    The job file must be uploaded to the Dynalite Cloud platform in order to add the Zigbee drivers.

    Please refer to the Dynalite Cloud section for information on managing your Dynalite Cloud account and job files.
  • Philips Dynalite Enabler app (iOS 13+ or Android 7+)
    A compatible mobile device with Philips Dynalite Enabler (iOS / Android) detects wireless luminaires over Bluetooth, assigns them to a Zigbee network, and adds them to areas/channels in the System Builder job file via Dynalite Cloud.

    SB then opens the job file from Dynalite Cloud, connects locally to the system, and saves Zigbee driver information to the PDZG-E.

Commissioning Process Overview

This guide documents the process of adding a single PDZG-E and Zigbee drivers to an existing Dynalite system with an available PDDEG-S to act as a secure Ethernet gateway. The process can easily be scaled or repeated to add additional hardware.

The PDZG-E is configured as a TCP client to the PDDEG-S.