Maintaining DALI Drivers

DALI network configuration and address allocations are easily maintained using the sb icon dali wizard DALI Configuration Wizard.

The wizard provides a simple step-by-step method to configure and address DALI devices connected to each line/universe, as well as the following tasks:

  • Add drivers

  • Remove drivers

  • Swap drivers

  • Replace drivers

Open the wizard:
  • Right-click the DALI controller and select sb icon dali wizard DALI Configuration Wizard

  • From the toolbar, select Wizards > sb icon controller dali DALI Configuration.

sb dali wizard

The wizard displays the DALI drivers grouped by line/universe with the following columns:

  • Name

  • Circuit

  • Status (Online, Offline, Unknown)

  • DALI Address (short address)

  • Driver Type

  • Assignment

DALI Icons

The following icons are used in the wizard to indicate different states:

  • sb icon output signal dimming Channel with valid DALI address and logical assignment.

  • sb icon output unknown dali short address Channel with valid DALI address but no logical assignment.

  • sb icon output unassigned Channel with no valid DALI address.

  • sb icon output error dali short address Channel has same DALI short address as another channel in the same universe.

  • sb icon add Newly discovered driver after enumeration but not yet saved to the controller.

  • sb icon dali address swapped Driver addresses swapped in System Builder but not yet saved to the controller.

  • sb icon delete Driver marked for removal in System Builder but not yet saved to the controller.

DALI Configuration Functions

The wizard can perform the following functions:


Filters the view of DALI channels in the project. In the DALI Driver Channels toolbar, click the Filter dropdown box and select one of the following filters: * All Channels - Show all channels. * Known DALI Channels - Only show channels that have a known DALI address. * Occupied Channels - Show all channels with a known DALI address and assigned to an area.
sb dali wizard filter


Select a sb icon dali line line/universe, sb icon dali line galaxy, sb icon output unassigned unassigned driver, or hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple drivers. Click sb icon flash Flash and sb icon flash stop Stop Flash to find the driver’s physical location.

Query Status

Click sb icon query driver status Query Status to display the status of a specific driver (Online, Offline, Unknown)
Click the Query Status All button to display the status of all DALI drivers.


Click the Enumerate button to create a DALI address for all unknown drivers and devices. Newly discovered drivers are marked with a + icon.


Click sb icon output signal dimming Assign to open the Channel Assignment dialog and select or enter the area number and channel number to assign the DALI driver.

Click the Select… button to open the Area Selection dialog. If applicable, select the required area and click the OK button.

Click sb icon unassign circuit Unassign to remove the area and channel assignment.

sb dali wizard channel assignment
sb dali wizard area selection


Click sb icon rename Rename to edit the name of the DALI driver. Naming the DALI driver is optional, as the name defaults to the area and channel name when assigned.


Click sb icon delete Remove to mark the DALI driver for removal from the controller memory or click sb icon unremove Unremove to undo driver removal.


Drag and drop one driver onto another to sb icon dali address swapped swap DALI addresses.

Save to Device

Click the Save to Device button to save any logical assignment changes to the device. This will remove the sb icon add, sb icon dali address swapped, and sb icon delete icons.

Show Log

Click the Show/Hide Log button to show or hide previous actions in the wizard.

Show Help

Click the Show/Hide Help button to view the following topics in the Help table:

  • Add Drivers

  • Remove Drivers

  • Swap Drivers

  • Replace Drivers

Close Wizard

Click the Finish button to close the wizard.

Controllers With Selectable Outputs

The DDBC516FR and DBC905C signal dimmers have a single line/universe distributed over separate outputs called galaxies. In the DALI Configuration Wizard, each output/galaxy can be:

  • sb icon dali line Enabled
    The Output Type for the corresponding galaxy/channel is set to DALI Enumerated. DALI (addressable) drivers connected to the output may then be controlled independently.

  • sb icon dali line disabled Disabled
    The Output Type for the corresponding galaxy/channel is set to DALI Broadcast, DSI or 1-10V Analog. Drivers connected to the output are controlled as a single channel.

The screenshot below shows circuits 1 and 2 set to DALI Broadcast and circuits 3-5 set to DALI Enumerated.

Actual driver numbers on DALI enumerated outputs/galaxies are only known after enumeration. Changes do not take effect until they are sb icon save to device saved to the controller (F12).
sb dali wizard galaxies