Configure PDZG-E Wireless Gateway

You will now configure the PDZG-E for Zigbee and secure TCP communication.

The PDZG-E initially appears as offline in SB, and will not respond to messages from the trunk or other devices until it is configured. The device is factory-set with a TCP server port for direct connection from SB to complete this process.
Connect SB directly to PDZG-E:
  1. In System view, right-click the PDZG-E and click sb icon connect Connect.

Upload security certificate to PDZG-E:
  1. Right-click the PDZG-E and click sb icon manage certificate Manage Certificate… to open the Certificate Manager dialog.

  2. Click the Create and Upload button.

  3. Click the Close button to return to SB.

    sb cert mgr pdzg e

The sb icon ca cert green padlock icon next to the PDZG-E indicates that it now has a security certificate.

Configure TCP and Zigbee ports:
  1. With the PDZG-E selected, open the Ports editor.

  2. In the properties pane, set IPv4 > Use static IP address as needed:

    • True if using a static IP.
      The IP Address, Gateway, Subnet mask, and DNS server should be provided by the site’s network administrator to avoid conflicts with other devices.

    • False if using DHCP.
      We recommend ensuring that the PDZG-E has a permanently reserved IP address on the DHCP server.

  3. Select a Zigbee > Zigbee Channel Number.

    We recommend using channel 25 for the first PDZG-E in each physical space. If additional gateways are required in the same space, use channels 20 and 15 to minimise interference from overlapping signals on the same frequency.
  4. Confirm that there is an IPv4 port with the following settings:

    • Port type: DyNet2

    • Mode: Client

    • IP Address / Hostname: The PDDEG-S IP address (e.g.

    • Port Number: 50443

    • Secure Port: True

    If the port does not exist, click sb icon add port Add > sb icon port ipv4 IPv4 Port and configure as required.

    sb ports pdzg e spur
  5. Click sb icon save to device Save to Device (F12).

Test connection:
  1. In the System tree, right-click the top entry and click sb icon connect Connect.

  2. Select the PDZG-E and click sb icon send device sign on Send Device Sign-On (F6).

  3. If successful, a flashing sign-on icon shows next to the PDZG-E. You can continue the rest of the configuration from the trunk connection.

If adding more than one PDZG-E to the job, ensure that each device has a unique name in the Device Properties editor under Device Identification > Device name.