Project Settings

Configure your project via the ⚙ Project Settings link above the Pages list.

uic project settings link

The project settings are displayed in the Properties panel on the right. These settings are global and affect all pages and components in the project.


uic project settings general
  • Landing - The first page to load when the PDTS wakes up.

  • Enable Stand-by - Logs out the current user and returns to the selected page after the start after timeout (1-300 seconds) has elapsed.

    This feature must be enabled here before it can be customized/disabled for individual pages.
  • Temperature settings

    • Unit - Celsius or Fahrenheit

    • Granularity* - The number of decimal places shown

    • Step size - Adjusts the temperature setpoint by 1 degree or 0.5 degree increments

    • Min./Max. Temperature - Sets the lowest and highest allowed temperature setpoints

  • Date & time settings

    • Use 24h. clock

    • Date style - US (MM/DD/YYYY) or European (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Component settings

    • Border radius - Adds rounded corners to all UI component borders. See UI Components > Border Radius for more information.

      The project Border radius setting only affects new UI components added to the project. Existing components keep their current radius, which can be adjusted manually for each component.


  • Enable grid for all areas - If enabled, components will snap to grid lines for easy alignment.

  • Grid block size - Adjusts the spacing (default: 10px) between grid lines.