Configuring Data Points
OPC UA data points are configured using the System Manager Configuration tool. The tool loads the lighting control system configuration data from the SM database into an OPC UA configuration file. The System Manager OPC UA server shares this configuration data with an OPC UA client, allowing the client to monitor Data Points in the Data Access View and Alarms in the Event View.
Before commissioning OPC UA ensure that the SM Server is configured and running. |

Configure OPC UA Data Points
Run the
System Manager Configuration tool.
Click the Site Settings button.
Select OPC UA > Data Points. The data point object categories are shown in the central mapping pane.
Select a category heading to load the data point objects available in SM for that category. The top-right pane shows the object attributes, and the bottom-right pane shows the data points for the object.
Deselect a category or object checkbox to stop OPC UA monitoring that category or object.
In System Builder, do not use ( ) parentheses or \ backslash for area, channel, or device names as these are used in the naming format for each data point type.
For example:
Areas: Plan Name\Area Name\"Area Status"
Channels: Plan Name\Area Name\"Channel" (Channel Number)\"Channel Status".
Devices: Product Name\(Area Name)\"Device Status" -
To map the data point objects, select or multi-select the objects and then click the required data point checkboxes.
If you have added new items to your SB job and saved the database, click
to reload the job configuration data so you can configure the recently added objects. If you need to start again, click
Create New.
The data point licensing limit and current data point count are displayed in the toolbar at the top of the window. The text is displayed in red when the number of configured points exceeds the license limit.You may need to increase the window size to show the current data point count. -
When all the required OPC UA objects have been configured, click
Save and Apply. SM will save the configuration data in the SM database and restart the OPC UA service.
Ensure that the SM server machine and the OPC client machine are on the same subnet, and that you allow philips.dynalite.system.manager.configuration.exe to communicate through the firewall. |