Test OPC UA functionality

To check the OPC mapping, run a System Manager client and an OPC UA client and observe the status of the configured data points when triggering the relevant conditions in the system.

Current Preset

Variable check: Change the preset for an area in SM and observe the preset number change for the matching area’s data point in the OPC UA client.

  • Preset Number: 0-65534 on trunk, 0-170 on a single spur. Panic message uses 65534.

Use Method to SetAreaPreset and observe the scene change in the area and in SM.

Current and Setpoint Temperature

Change the temperature setpoint for an area in SM and observe the setpoint temperature change for the matching data point in the OPC UA client. Also, after some lag, the current temperature should approach the new setpoint temperature. Temperature Range: -127 – 127°C.

Use Method to SetAreaTemperature and SetAreaTemperatureUpDown and observe the temperature setpoint change in SM.

Metered Power

For metered power, check that the server is receiving the correct power information by sending Preset 4 (Off) to an area and observing the change in that area’s readings in the OPC UA client.

Change preset values for the subscribed Modbus registry. The Modbus points update when the Modbus polling has finished.

Motion Timeout

Enter the sensor motion timeout for all sensors in an area in minutes and check the data point value in the OPC UA client. A value of zero reverts to the default configured timeout.

Notional Power

Check that the server is receiving the correct power information by sending Preset 4 (Off) to an area and observing the change in that area’s readings in the OPC UA client.

Online Status

Disconnect and reconnect a device for the minimum polling period and observe the status change in the OPC UA client.

  • 0: device offline

  • 1: device online

Use Method to Acknowledge, AddComment, Disable, or Enable and observe the status change in the SM Alerts page.

DyNet Connection

Disconnect System Manager from the network for the minimum polling period and observe the change in status in the OPC UA client.

  • True: DyNet connected

  • False: DyNet disconnected

Total Offline Devices

Disconnect a device from the network for the minimum polling period and observe the change in Total Offline Devices value in the OPC UA client.

This increments or decrements the value based on the total number of offline devices.

Total Offline Drivers

Disconnect a driver from the network for the minimum polling period and observe the change in Total Offline Drivers value in the OPC UA client.

This increments or decrements the value based on the total number of offline drivers.

Total Offline Lamps

Disconnect a lamp from the network for the minimum polling period and observe the change in Total Offline Lamps value in the OPC UA client.

This increments or decrements the value based on the total number of failed lamps.

Total Offline Trunk Gateways

Disconnect Ethernet gateways from the network for the minimum polling period and observe the change in Number of Offline Gateways status in the UA OPC client.

Total Trunk Gateways

Read the Total Number of Trunk Gateways in the OPC UA client.

Channel Level

Adjust the percentage channel level for a channel in SM and observe the channel level change for the matching channel’s data point in the OPC UA client.

Use Method to SetLogicalChannelLevel and observe the light level change in the area and in SM.

Lux Level

Cover and uncover the sensor. Observe lux values in the sensor’s data point in the OPC UA client.